Sik Sik Yuen established an academy for lifelong learning in 2006, and has been providing hobby and practical courses all along to strengthen the connection between learning and the lives of the elderly. In line with the development direction of this service, this academy was officially named Sik Sik Yuen Community Academy in 2015. A variety of courses are provided to help senior citizens keep up with the pace of the times in a rapidly changing society, so that they can fully employ their knowledge to achieve personal growth, maintain physical and mental health, and enhance civic education under the spirit of “lifelong learning” and “opportunities for the elderly”, as well as promote cross-industry integration, build on professional skills and knowledge, continue to strengthen cultural heritage, and strengthen family relationships under the theme of “home.” At the same time, the target groups are extended to include volunteers, other people in the district, etc., to promote community education and an inclusive society.