Message of Taoism Abbot

Since I have been the Abbot of Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple, I am dedicated to promoting and propagating Taoism and Taoist Culture. Thanks to the blessing of Master Wong Tai Sin, religious affairs is being well-developed in Sik Sik Yuen. Nowadays, with my leadership of Religious Affairs Committee, there are four groups of Subcommittee, which contain Worshipping and Repentance Rituals Subcommittee, External Affairs and Preaching Subcommittee, Development and Training Subcommittee as well as Yuenchen Hall and Caishen Palace Management Subcommittee. Each Subcommittee focuses on one specific aspect of Religious Affairs and strives to keep the online information up-to-dated, so as to inherit Taoism in a more modern way.
Taoism originated from China, which is one of the roots of Chinese Culture. Taoist Culture contains various aspects that different professions spent their time on research and investigations. Therefore, we should utilize the internet as a tool to connect Taoism and the public, in order to foster the sustainable communication and interaction between different Taoism professions.
On this online platform of Sik Sik Yuen Religious Affairs, I expect the Committee can update the latest news, namely Taoist Rituals and Scriptures to the public. People can find our delegations and cultural exchanges with different religious groups here. Looking forward to making this online platform more familiar.

Dr. Lee Yiu-fai, MH
Abbot of Wong Tai Sin Temple