
Charity Sale Pre-Order of Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple 100th Anniversary Master Wong Tai Sin Gold Figurine


  1. 善信必須年滿18歲或以上,並持有效之身份證明文件、提供可聯繫的電話號碼、電郵及通訊地址,方可遞交預購申請。
  2. 每份申請書最多僅能以一位人士(或一間公司/機構)的名義提出,但申請數量不限。
  3. 由於金像帶有特定年份,每個年份僅有一尊可供預購;因此,在實際可行的範圍內,預購申請將以先到先得原則處理。如善信希望申請的年份已被預購,可另選年份或選用本園設計之一百周年紀慶字句。本園不保證接受您的預購申請,並保留最終決定權。無論如何,本園的任何人員若對此預購申請或產品的任何鼓吹或陳述均不應視為本園的立場(因為他們均無權代表本園),善信也不應以此為依據。
  4. 預購申請書如資料不齊全(例如身份證明文件、電話號碼、電郵及通訊地址等)或(視情況而定)繳款失敗、未能完成繳款程序,則該預購申請將會被視為不成功或以放棄論處,該預購申請書將會作廢,本園有權自行處理。
  5. 預購申請一經提交則不可撤回、不可修改、不可轉讓和不可退款,本園有充分的權利決定在任何時間以任何方式確認或退回預購申請。在預購成功後,善信將會收到本園一份書面的預購成功確認通知書(下稱「確認書」)。
  6. 本園有權提交和兌現上述付款用於處理預購申請,該等行為(在法律和事實上)不可被視為、也不能暗指本園接受有關申請,在任何情況下,皆不會削弱本園隨時可拒絕受理善信預購申請的絕對酌情權。
  7. 親臨本園總辦事處預購之善信以現金全額付款後,如果當場確認預購成功者將會收到由本園發出的正式收據及確認書。如果以其他方式付款的,善信將會收到兩份臨時收據並獲告知預購申請的暫定狀態(視乎付款是否有效完成、金像是否還沒有被他人認購及其他因素)。正式收據及確認書將會在申請成功後以郵寄方式通知善信。
  8. 善信可以郵寄、速遞或網上方式遞交預購申請書及款項。預購申請成功者,將會收到由本園發出的正式收據和確認書。
  9. 預購成功的善信將會收到本園發出的兩款正式收據,分別為收款收據和捐款收據,而捐款收據則可用於申請香港稅項豁免。
  10. 金像的製作成本(含金價)將會由善信自行承擔,本園保留全權與生產商商議釐定金像的總製作費用,毋須通知任何人士(包括善信)。在扣除金像製作費後,餘款將視作慈善捐款,本園可以用於弘揚中國傳統宗教文化的善業上。
  11. 如預購申請不成功,本園將退還已收的款項(如有;不計利息)給善信,而有關風險則由善信自行承擔。如經由信用卡付款,在扣除手續費後善信繳付的款項(如有)將會退回至該信用卡帳戶中。如經由劃線支票或本票付款,退款將經普通郵寄送回善信之通訊地址。
  12. 如未收到由本園發出之收據、預購結果通知、前述退款或其他事宜,請致電2327 8141與本園總辦事處職員聯絡。聯絡時間為:星期一至星期五,早上九時至下午四時三十分;星期六,早上九時至中午十二時。
  13. 當金像可以領取時,預購成功之善信將會收到領取該金像的通知(下稱「領取通知書」)。領取通知書將郵寄至善信之通訊地址。善信可於本園指定之日期親自到本園出席開光儀式及領取金像,並當場出示收款收據、確認書、領取通知書及身份證明文件,以及本園根據個別情況要求的其他證明文件(統稱「證明文件」)。
  14. 成功預購之善信可委託他人代為領取金像,但一切風險和後果將由善信自行承擔。受託人應出示委託人的證明文件(註:需要委託人在其身份證明文件副本上簽字確認)、委託書(註:受託人必須年滿18歲或以上、具有合法行為能力)、受託人之身份證明文件及本園根據個別情況要求的其他證明文件。如善信於領取通知書指定之截止日期前仍未到本園領取金像,本園保留處理未領取之金像的最終決定權,而相關的款項(在扣除銀行和其他服務提供者的費用後)將全數視作捐款以支持本園上述的善業上。
  15. 預購申請書上之金像的圖樣、描述、資訊及/或圖片(下稱「說明圖示」)僅供參考,在任何情況下不得視為最終可以領取的金像實物,無論如何有關的說明圖示不可視為本園的表述或誘因。如上述說明圖示及/或上述資訊與生產的實物之間存有差異,則應以實際鑄造之金像為準,交付的實物於各方面將視為最終且正確的。
  16. 預購申請書所顯示的金像皆委由六福集團(國際)有限公司生產,每件產品的重量和規格在製造過程中將有可能不同,在市場正常規範下,每尊金像重量和尺寸均約有5%正負浮動,善信在任何情況下無權因此取消訂單或要求換貨或退貨。
  17. 金像並非投資工具,而金價亦可升可跌,善信在預購申請前請自行考慮需求與相關風險。
  18. 預購申請書的內容,包含插圖、金像之外觀設計、版權及相關資料均屬本園財產,禁止以任何方式複製、修改、再版或利用其全部或部分內容。
  19. 本園保留更改預購申請的程序、金像發行日期、預購方式、領取日期和方法及/或本條款和細則的任何規定及/或任何其他相關安排之權利(包含但不限於金像的圖樣、數量、類型以及終止預購),本園可隨時在本園網站、本地中文或英文報紙上以通知或公告方式宣布而無需另行通知。善信被視為已同意接收新的安排或改變。
  20. 本預購申請書並不構成本園出售的承諾。任何人因預購金像有關事宜或資訊,直接或間接遭受損失,本園一概不負責任。
  21. 本預購申請書不適用《合約(第三者權利)條例》(第623章)規定。本園不接受任何第三方主張的權利或其他權益。
  22. 如就申請方法或金像有任何的爭議或分歧,本園的決定和解釋是最終而具有決定性的結論。

Notes on the Pre-Order Application and the Terms and Conditions

  1. Applicant aged 18 or above, who holds a valid identity document and provides a contactable telephone number, email and correspondence address are eligible to submit the application.
  2. The maximum number of applicants in each application is one individual or one company or one legal entity, but there is not limit on the number of applications that each applicant can submit.
  3. The Gold Figurine available for application are serially numbered and they are unique in that each of them will bear a specified year; thus each application will be considered, as far as practicably possible, on a first-come-first-served basis. If the specified year applied for is no longer available, applicant can choose another specified year or the centenary celebration wording which designed by Sik Sik Yuen. There is no guarantee that Sik Sik Yuen will accept your application, of which Sik Sik Yuen has the final say herein. At any rate, no puffing or representation made by any personnel of Sik Sik Yuen, if any, regarding the applications or the products shall be taken as the position of Sik Sik Yuen (for they are not authorized to do so) and the same shall not be relied on by the applicant.
  4. The application will be regarded as unsuccessful or treated as abandoned if the form submitted by the applicant is incomplete or with missing details (such as identity document, contact number, email and correspondence address) or (as the case may be) if the payment fails or incompletes. In such event, the pre-order form will be considered as invalid and can be disposed of by Sik Sik Yuen in any manner as we think fit.
  5. The application once submitted is irrevocable, non-amendable, non-transferrable and non-refundable. Sik Sik Yuen has the right and absolute discretion to accept or reject the application in any manner as we think fit at any time. The relevant applicant will be notified of the result in writing (“Result Confirmation”) once the application is successful.
  6. Sik Sik Yuen has the right to encash or present for payment any sums tendered by the applicant to process the application, but no encashment or presentation shall be treated or implied, in law or in fact, as acceptance; and at any rate, it shall not prejudice Sik Sik Yuen’s right to reject the application in our absolute discretion in any time.
  7. Applicant applying in person with a duly completed pre-order form and making full payment in cash at our General Office, and if the application is successful, our official receipts and Result Confirmation will be issued to him. If payment is made by other method, the applicant will receive two temporary receipts from us and may be informed of the general status tentatively, subject however to the payment clearance, the availabilities of the Gold Figurine and other criteria. If the application is successful, the official receipts (if any) and Result Confirmation will be sent by post to the applicant.
  8. Applicant who submits the pre-order form and the payment by postal service, courier or online will receive our official receipts and Result Confirmation if the application is successful.
  9. Successful applicant will receive from us two official receipts, one for the cost of Gold Figurine and the other for donation to Sik Sik Yuen, and the donation receipt may be eligible for tax deduction in Hong Kong.
  10. Applicant shall bear the cost of the Gold Figurine (including the gold price), which shall be charged based on the actual production cost. Sik Sik Yuen reserves the right to liaise with and fix the said production cost with the manufacturer alone, without an obligation to inform any third party, including the applicant. The balance amount, after deducting the said production cost, shall be treated as charitable donations to Sik Sik Yuen, who shall use it on the Chinese Religious and Cultural related matters and good deeds.
  11. If the application is unsuccessful, Sik Sik Yuen will notify the applicant accordingly and refund the payment (if any) actually credited to our accounts without interest at his/ her/ its own risk. If the payment is made by credit card, then the refund shall, after deducting the necessary charges, be paid back to the same credit card account of the applicant. If the payment is made by crossed cheque or cashier order, the refund shall be returned by ordinary post to the applicant’s correspondence address.
  12. In case one does not receive the official receipts, the result notification or the refund aforesaid or has any inquires, the applicant shall contact our General Office at 2327 8141. The service hours are as follows: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm; Saturday, 9:00 am to 12:00 nn.
  13. When the Gold Figurine is ready for collection, the successful applicant will be notified by post to attend a blessing ritual and collect the same. The notification (“Collection Notice”) will be sent by post to the applicant’s correspondence address. Successful applicant can collect the item in person by presenting the original official receipts, the Result Confirmation, the Collection Notice, the valid identity document of the applicant and other proof as Sik Sik Yuen may require in the circumstances (collectively, “Proof Documents”) at our General Office aforesaid on the date specified by us.
  14. If successful applicant wishes to appoint another person to collect the Gold Figurine from us, the attorney must present the Proof Documents (note: copy of the applicant’s identity document endorsed and signed by the applicant is required) and a valid Power of Attorney authorizing the said attorney to pick up the item (note: the attorney aged 18 or above with full legal capacity and has a valid identity document) together with his identity document and other proof as Sik Sik Yuen may require in the circumstances. Sik Sik Yuen reserves the right to cope with the Gold Figurine, which are not collected by the successful applicant on the date specified in the Collection Notice. The corresponding payment (after deducting any bank or service providers’ charges) will be applied to and regarded as donation once and for all in support of Sik Sik Yuen for the purpose aforesaid.
  15. The graphics, specifications, wordings, information and/or pictures of the Gold Figurine (“Descriptions”) shown on this pre-order form are for reference only and shall not be taken as final for all purpose and intent, and at any rate, they shall not be treated as inducements or representations of Sik Sik Yuen. If there is any discrepancy between the Descriptions and/or the aforementioned information and those of the Gold Figurine produced for us, the actual products so delivered shall be treated as the authentic version thereof and taken as final and correct in all respects.
  16. As the Gold Figurine shown in the pre-order form are commissioned goods to be produced by Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited, it is a market norm that the weight and dimensions of each Gold Figurine to be delivered will vary during manufacturing such that there may be a ±5% fluctuation for the weight and dimensions of each Gold Figurine respectively. Applicant has no right to cancel the order herein or ask for any exchange or refund in the circumstances.
  17. The Gold Figurine is not an investment and its market value can rise or fall, and the applicant should consider his/her own needs and the risks incidental thereto.
  18. The contents of this pre-order form and the leaflet, including the artworks, the design, copyright and related depictions of the Gold Figurine is the properties of Sik Sik Yuen. Copying, modification, republication or exploitation of all or any part in any manner is prohibited.
  19. Sik Sik Yuen reserves the right to alter the application procedure, the release date, the pre-order method, the collection date and delivery method, and/or any provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and/or any other relevant arrangements (including but not limited to the number and the type of item for the pre-order and to terminate the pre-order) by notice or announcement in the official website or a local Chinese and/or English newspapers, at any time and in any manner, without prior notice. The applicant shall be deemed to have notice and accept the new arrangement and the modification or variation thereof.
  20. Nothing herein shall be binding on the part of Sik Sik Yuen to sell, who shall not be liable or answerable to and for any loss suffered by any person directly or indirectly of whatsoever nature in connection with the application or the information herein.
  21. The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap.623) shall have no application whatsoever in this pre-order application. Sik Sik Yuen will not entertain any third party’s rights or claims whatsoever.
  22. In case of dispute or difference relating to the pre-order application or the item herein, the decision and interpretation of Sik Sik Yuen herein shall be final and conclusive.

聯絡方法 Contact Details

地址 Address
2, Chuk Yuen Village, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話 Phone
(852) 2327 8141
傳真 Fax
(852) 2351 5640
電郵 E-Mail
網址 Website